

Agrihub INSPIRE Hackathon: Challenge #3 Agro Environmental Services

This challenge will identify all data and information resources relevant for the agri-food sector and provide an unified access, including utilisation of Copernicus and INSPIRE initiatives, taking into the consideration progres in Open Data and eGoverment. Special focus will be on establishment of the synergies with Destination Earth activities. In addition, it will support identification of use cases, where such data and services might help to improve the current situation, or deliver new innovations. For selected use-cases, pilot implementations will be supported in order to address main involved stakeholders and deliver outcomes with potential for further re-use and development. Examples of initial use-cases proposals:

  • Mapping of cultivated crops – from to support control under the Common Agricultural Policy to e.g. determining the structure of cultivated crops for various analytical purposes.  (related to Challenge #1)
  • Soil erosion identifiable by satellite imagery. 

Access to the digital data shall be provided via DIH services machines (application programming interface) and applications (human readable interface) in order to ensure compliance with relevant interoperability policies and standards. Specific selection of relevant datasets from Copernicus and INSPIRE will take place, whilst interacting with stakeholders aiming to collect user requirements. Where possible data resources made available under the open data licence will be identified and relevant eGovernment services and application components analysed in order to build on existing and operational components. 

After the selection of the most relevant use-cases, pilot interfaces will be developed providing specific products and services to the target groups. These interfaces will be in the form of OpenAPIs as well as web and mobile applications, providing evidence of improved situation in specific areas. Whilst implementing this innovation experiment, relevant intervention logic will be applied in order to support the aims and mission of AgriHub CZ&SK.

CHALLENGE GOAL: This challenge will identify all data and information resources relevant for the agri-food sector and provide an unified access, including utilisation of Copernicus and INSPIRE initiatives, taking into the consideration progres in Open Data and eGoverment.

The registration for the challenges is open! Are you interested in extending current experiments available at Slovak Agrihub?

Register for this hackathon challenge


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