

Calculation of Agro-Climatic Factors

COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon 2020

Do you want to learn more about Calculation of agro-climatic factors and their potential for utilization in the agri-food sector? This is exactly what you can learn during the webinar scheduled on 14th October at 2 PM CEST. On the top of that, methods to calculate selected factors based on different data sets from the global perspective to regional will be presented. Evaluation and assessment of calculated factors based on ground measurements from pilot localities will be shown in the other part of the webinar. Analysis of uncertainty of the climatic data and comparison to measured values will be an important part of the challenge.

This webinar is organized a part of the challenge #13 of the COVID-19 INSPIRE Hackathon.

Register now!


Agenda of the webinar:

  • Agro-climatic factors and utilization in agri-food sector
  • Datasets available for calculation of factors
  • Datasets of ground measurements
  • Calculation methods of selected factors
  • Process of comparison of global datasets and ground measurements


You will hear from:




